Muse x Ten Thousand Things “Have A Heart”
Muse x Ten Thousand Things
Since the onset of the invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin’s army, independent and established jewelry designers, antique and vintage dealers and retailers have rallied in support of various non-profits responding to the ongoing crisis. Jewelry may feel like the last thing on anyone’s mind when it comes to matters of life and death, but this is an industry that consistently and swiftly responds to crises with generosity and compassion. Using their social media platforms and websites, they are raising awareness and funds and sharing information, supporting a variety of causes including Ukrainian military and civilian forces, refugees, and even pets.
In their own words, designers, dealers and retailers talk about the meaning behind the pieces they chose to sell/the auctions they held, the charities they are supporting, and the way they are providing support.
Muse x Ten Thousand Things (“Have A Heart”) – Benefitting Red Cross Ukraine
Jennifer Shanker of Muse says, “In response to everything taking place right now in Ukraine, we are leveraging our charitable charm initiative “Have A Heart” to spread awareness and raise as much money as we can to help.” All profits from the blue lapis charm by Ten Thousand Things (a nod to the blue in the Ukrainian flag) will be donated to the Red Cross Ukraine, which is providing aid, supplies, and medical care for those affected by these tragic attacks.
Muse x Ten Thousand Things Lapis Heart
Muse x Ten Thousand Things
Shari Cohen-Seal & Scribe – Benefitting Razom Emergency Response
“For my ongoing fundraising efforts, I started with these rings that embodied some aspect of what I was feeling about the invasion of Ukraine. Our Deeds Not Words ring was about taking action and not just putting out ‘thoughts and prayers’. The Unite ring was about the unity that we are seeing amongst the Ukraine people. And the Freedom Moon ring speaks to the right of Ukraine to exist as a free, independent nation.”
Seal & Scribe’s Seal Rings
Seal & Scribe
Tomasz Donocik-Tomasz Donocik – Benefitting SOS Children’s Village UK Sister Poland Branch
“As the situation unfolds in Ukraine we are reminded of the fragility of peace and security. Being Polish born myself, we remember our history and stand in solidarity with our neighbors in Ukraine. Having thought long and hard about how my own skill set could help benefit the victims of this crisis, I have decided to launch a leather wrap bracelet depicting the Ukrainian colors. 100% of the profits will be donated to the humanitarian charity SOS Children’s Villages UK (charity no 1069204) through their sister organization, who are evacuating orphaned children and foster families from Ukraine and accommodating them in their Children’s villages in Poland.”
Tomasz Donocik Wrap Bracelet
Tomasz Donocik
Samantha Jackson-Heavenly Vices – Benefitting WCK (World Central Kitchen)
“As I watched tearful husbands, wives and children part, I kept going over this passage from the Old Testament ‘And Mizpah; for he said, The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent from one another’ in my head and knew that this love token would speak to one of my followers in this moment. It sold within an hour of posting.” 50% of the proceeds of this one of a kind pendant were donated to WCK (World Central Kitchen); fundraising efforts for multiple organizations are ongoing.
Heavenly Vices’ One of a Kind Mizpah Love Token
Heavenly Vices
Lauren Harwell-Harwell Godfrey – Benefitting WCK (World Central Kitchen)
“I envisioned a healing talisman with a malachite heart at its core. As I sketched the design, I realized that my signature triangle motif placed over the heart in repetition created what looks like a broken heart that has been put back together. The choice of malachite was twofold: its vibrant green color not only represents the heart chakra, but it is also said to be a protection stone that wards against negative energy and promotes unconditional love. Each heart comes with a bail with two bars creating an equal symbol as a gesture of the unity we can achieve when we help each other.” 100% of profits from this malachite heart pendant goes to WCK (World Central Kitchen) to help fund their work.
Harwell Godfrey malachite heart pendant
Chad Johnson and The Commercial Art Lab
Cyndi Yi -The Fab Nab – Benefitting The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
“Seeing that now viral video of the father crying as he sent his daughter away on the train really hit me. I knew I had to do something, however small. I chose vintage gold silhouette charms for my first auction items for the children, for the parents, for all of the brave Ukraine people. ”
@TheFabNab yellow 14K gold silhouette charm
Cyndi Yi
The auction of this piece motivated Cyndi to host Instagram auctions for pieces from her network of jewelry designers and dealers; she explains how it grew from one auction “After feeling immobilized with fear and concern over what I was seeing all day last Friday, I woke up on Saturday feeling that I had no choice but to do something. From my initial auction, it has grown into our little jewelry community banding together. So far in less than one week, we’ve committed over $9900, including $2700 in my personal donations from sales, to non-profits of the donors’ choice.”
Jennifer Gandia-Greenwich St. Jewelers – Benefitting Razom Emergency Response
“Wherever we are in the world above us is the same sky full of stars and we are an embodied mirror of the cosmos: one constellation called humanity.” She adds, “We are selling raffle tickets online for $20 each, for a chance to win a diamond 18K Astra Pendant in their zodiac sign of their choice, a charm holder, and an 18” Rhombus chain. Proceeds from every ticket purchased will be donated to to support their efforts to provide critical medical supplies on the ground in Ukraine.”
Greenwich St.Jewelers’ Astra pendant
Greenwich St. Jewelers
Marla Aaron-Marla Aaron – Benefitting WCK (World Central Kitchen)
“World Central Kitchen makes it so easy to mobilize and find a way for anyone to help quickly with what is most needed in difficult moments. They get it done. It is our joy to provide 100% of the proceeds for our silver chair charm/pendant to their extraordinary efforts on the border of Ukraine. Over the past few days we have been overwhelmed with the response of our customers.”
Marla Aaron’s Chair charm
Marla Aaron
Julie Lamb/Julie Lamb Fine Jewelry-Benefitting Army SOS
“As a New Yorker, a Jew, a jewelry designer working in the Diamond District, an artist and a human being, I am tied to all that is going on in Ukraine. There are about 80,000 Ukrainian Americans living in New York City. I was inspired by President Zelenskyy’s quote “Today you, Ukrainians, are the symbol of invincibility, a symbol that people in any country can become the best people on Earth at any moment.” I realized my Represent Token could help raise money to support the purchase of supplies for the frontlines. I designed it with three messages Represent Ukraine, Represent Peace and Represent Invincibility.”
Julie Lamb Represent Token- shown here the Represent Invincibility Token
Julie Lamb
Susan Cohen-Circa 1700 – Benefitting Project HOPE
“The Love & Protection Armor hand mechanical clasp customized with the colors of the Ukrainian flag and symbolizes the Ukrainian people and their incredible will to fight to protect the country they love – and that we are unified with them in their battle cry to remain independent.”
Circa 1700’s Ukrainian Themed Mechanical Hand Clasp
Circa 1700
Zoe Benyon-Director-RobinsonPelham – Benefiting British Red Cross
“We went for the simplest, most effective fundraising formula, 100% of proceeds go to the British Red Cross as they are running a Ukraine Crisis Appeal. They are providing food, first aid, water, shelter, medicine, clothing. They are training first aiders, helping families stay in contact and supporting hospitals. We, by contrast, are making simple bracelets with a simple message “Wear Your Support for Ukraine” and we are selling them through Instagram (DM us @robinsonpelham), through our flagship store (+44 (0) 207 828 3492) and online.”
Robinson Pelham’s Murano Glass Beaded Bracelet
Robinson Pelham
Orly Eisbart-Orly Marcel – Benefitting Save the Children
“Like all of us, I am watching in disbelief, sadness, and horror the senseless aggression towards Ukraine and her courageous, strong and resolute people. In thoughts, OM is sending strength, fortitude, and safety. In (a small) deed, sending all proceeds of sold Evil-eyes and Hamsa Pendants symbolizing protection to @savethechildren, a wonderful philanthropy assisting Ukrainian children in need.”
Orly Marcel’s Evil Eye and Hamsa Pendants
Orly Marcel
Gwen Myers-Eden Presley limited edition peace sign one side diamonds, the flip side yellow and blue sapphires benefiting United Help Ukraine; Sig Ward-Sig Ward Jewelry Reeded Rings in Iolite and Citrine benefitting Razom for Ukraine; Bea Bongiasca-Bea Bongiasca sales of all items benefiting Red Cross Ukraine; Suhani Parekh-Misho #StandWithUkraine pendant and ring benefiting multiple charities. Emily Hirsch-Talon Jewelry Crescent Moon benefitting the donor’s charity of choice. The OX Team, as grandchildren of a Ukrainian Holocaust survivor confirmed that a portion of proceeds from the sale of the first patented Ourglass bracelet will be donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross. Cece Jewellery is donating 30% of all sales between the 4th and 12th March of her hand-enameled signet rings and pendants to bennefit British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal.
Eden Presley limited edition peace sign necklace
Eden Presley
Sig Ward Jewelry’s reed rings in citrine and iolite.
Sig Ward Jewelry
Talon Jewelry’s 14k Solid Gold Crescent Moon
Talon Jewelry
OX diamond and 18K yellow gold Ourglass bracelet
Cece Jewellery signet rings and pendants with a variety of motifs
Cece Jewellery